Selamat Datang di Blogku!!!(anyway, That's how we say "Welcome to my blog!" in Bahasa)
Maybe some of you already know about me,
But yeah.... Let me introduce myself AGAIN
I'm Putri Adara, but I prefer to be called "Dara" 😄
Anyway... This is my...
(Shhtt... don't interrupt me!) 1... 2... 3... AH! My 3rd Blog!!!
The last time I visited was... at 2011(?!?!?!?)
After that time, I started to getting bored to WRITE (LOL) and meh... I lift my blog😢
AND FINALLY MY TEACHER BROUGHT ME HERE AGAINNN!!!! (I should say "Thanks!" to her 100x, if I can do that😑)
Sounds weird,right?
Ok,Ok....I'll explain it
Geek-Itage is... The way I explain myself
Not a real Nerd, just a girl who loves books and video games
And... Itage is (OF COURSE) from "Heritage"
Idk. I just... kinda like my country heritage from I was in Kindergarten
The foods, The Dances, Panoramas, and MANY MORE BRO!!!
I love travelling and finding a new way to enjoy my life in villager's way
Nice to meet ya'all
great job adara... try to vary your topics ya... i like this blog... keep the good work!!